Devin Johnston Devin Johnston

Climbing Rose Four of Pentacles to be Featured in Magpie Zines: Two of Magpies

Scott Russell Morris’ Magpie Zines: Two of Magpies has just launched on Kickstarter. What are the Magpie Zines? As Scott’s Kickstarter page explains:

Magpie Zines are inspired by magpie tarot decks. Magpie decks are made of mismatched cards: They include traditional cards borrowed from other decks, but they are just as likely to have homemade cards or those taken from board games, recipe catalogs, etc. The magpies often include archetypes never found in traditional tarot, and they welcome non-traditional cards with eclectic, dark, whimsical, and kitschy aesthetics.

This second instalment of the Magpie Zines follows on the success of Ace of Magpies. The zine includes a number of additional items, including a custom Two of Magpies card designed by Matthew Bishop. The Two of Magpies hit its funding goal almost immediately upon launch.

As an added bonus, if the project reaches 40 backers,* an additional stretch goal will be unlocked; The Four of Pentacles from the Climbing Rose Tarot! I’m so pleased that this card will be included in Scott’s project. Go check out the Kickstarter to order your zine today!

*As of writing, it looks like the project already has more than 40 backers!

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